Read what God is doing...
March 30, 2023
Dear brethren, Partners and Praying Friends in the Lord's Vineyard.
Greetings to you all. I pray that all is well with you all and that this message finds you in perfect health and busy for the Lord. We are to remain vigilant and prayerful till HE RETURNS! Amen.
We( my family and I) are grateful to the Almighty God for His good care:- His provision and protection upon our lives. Many things are happening in the world: cases of insecurity, pandemics, hunger, hostility, hatred, diseases & even deaths. But God's been good to us. He is loving, faithful, merciful and gracious. How grateful we are! "The LORD hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad"(Psalm 126:3). Amen.
Concerning the work of the ministry we are pressing on. The ministry is growing by God's grace. I am reaching out to the community around us and people are responding to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and believing in Him. We have the blessing of new converts & others as the LORD leads joining us this adding to church membership. Currently we have 80 on average attendance. Our men & women, youth, Sunday school and choir groups are all actively involved in the work of the ministry with me as their Pastor.. Glory to God.
Our Outreach ministry involves Soul winning, Crusades(Open Air Preaching), Home visitations & Organized prayer meetings and ministry to the needy ones.
I am so grateful to God for you as a church. Thank you so much brethren for your kindness, love and support both prayer & financial. I have always received with thanks on monthly basis the financial support you send to me in support of the ministry. Nothing has been taken for granted, rather I give all the glory to God.
I received with thanks the support fund of $2700 you donated toward my church roofing project. May God continue to bless and increase you to higher heights. However, as indicated to you previously on the total cost required, I'm praying for More funds inorder for the materials to be put and worked on together. We are still working on the project & the progress is good. Soon, I pray, it will be over. Kindly continue praying for us on this one. Other prayer needs include:
✓My Outreach ministry. Evangelism is key here.
✓souls to get saved
✓praying for a long drought which has resulted to famine among families in our land to end. Pray for enough rains.
✓My family's needs; spiritual, physical, and financial. Our children's spiritual life and academics.
✓My wife's good health as she is expecting our 4th born in May. We appreciate your prayers for her successful delivery without complications.
In conclusion please be reminded that we love you and pray for you always.
Keep pressing on for the Lord's Kingdom. Your reward is sure.
In Christ's service,
Your Missionary to Kenya.
Dear brethren, friends and praying partners in the LORD'S work.
Calvary greetings to you all.
I pray this finds you well in the LORD and in good health. I thank God for His faithfulness in our lives and His service. God is good.
I am MESHACK MULI from Kenya, East Africa, and one of your missionaries. Pastor Chris Lind introduced me to your church last year before moving to Georgia for his new ministry. I am so grateful for your act of kindness that you considered taking me in for monthly support in the work of the ministry here in the mission field. I have been receiving all the financial monthly support sent to me from your church. God bless abundantly.
Again I want to thank your church family for your donation towards our church project which I had shared with Chris Lind while he was your Pastor. Every bit was received and nothing was taken for granted. We gave glory to God for the provision. Thank you all.
- Kindly pray for my family that we may continue faithfully doing the work of the ministry. I am married and my wife's name is AGNES MUENI. We are blessed with three children, namely, PATIENCE(daughter, aged 15),
- GABRIEL (son, aged12) &
- BARAKA(son, aged 7).
- They are all going to school. More importantly, they all are growing up in the knowledge and fear of the LORD. Amen.
- I am a pastor of a young but growing ministry. My church has an average membership of 70. We have elderly, middle aged, youth and children. I have a church program on reaching out to the community for the lost. Kindly pray for this evangelistic program that many souls will be won to Christ. Pray also for our church building project. We are finishing up putting the walls and soon we will be going for the roofing. The work is so demanding and our financial strength is weak. We are in great need of funds. I need to raise $5500 for the roofing. I'm trusting God to provide for this need.
Lastly, I just wanted to thank you for your love, prayers and financial support. Please remember that you occupy an important place in my heart. You are so dear to us and we love you. We are both partners in the ministry. Always appreciate your prayers as I also do for you.
God bless you all.
In Christ alone.
Meshack MULI
Here's some background....Why Mwingi Kenya?
Well, we know a guy... Meet Meshack Muli
A native of Mwingi, Kenya, Meshack, is working to aid in
- Spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ
- Train new pastors to lead local churches
- Help assist with building new church plants
- Build a primary school in Mwingi for better education at a lower cost
Meshack reached out to us for help to build a church building in Mwingi. Their church currently rents a building, but that building is no longer available for their long-term use. Meshack's church already has access to the land so the requested funding would go solely to building the structure of the new church.
Our desire in helping the church in Mwingi is for this not to be a one-and-done event. As a church, we desire to partner with our brothers and sisters in Mwingi to help realize the goals of the local church and ministry.
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Meshack also volunteers to teach seminary students at RBC college in Mwingi. Simon (pictured above) is the Dean of Students at RBC. These two men, among others, are working to realize another goal of the ministry. They are working to build a grade school. Currently, the cost for a child to go to school for a year is about USD 600. This limits educational experiences to a select few. As we partner together with Meshack, as a missionary to his own people, we are moving to complete the goal of meeting the educational needs of kids in Mwingi.
Where do we start?
It starts with the church. Actually, our part starts with helping to "re-plant" this local church. Building the church in Mwingi, moving from a rented space, and establishing a more permanent base from which ministry to the local community can flow is the ultimate goal. The church, preaching the Good News of Jesus, will become the foundational start to these other ministry opportunities.
As we work through each goal, we will invite you to join us and God to minister to the people of Mwingi, Kenya. It starts with helping the church. You can do that in the form below.
Ways to Give
Please use the memo or note field to indicate your gift is for Meshack Muli in Kenya
Giving Boxes:
You can place your gift into either Giving Box located at both entrances to the sanctuary.
Give by Mail:
You can mail checks made out to FBC Kahoka to 363 North Washington Street, Kahoka, MO 63445